"A new year, a new look. This digital remodelling aims to visually present Ashbridge Partner's professionalism through a minimal and sleek design."
Ashbridge Partners
A Toronto based private entrepreneurial investment firm that acquires and manages small-medium sized businesses. This project focused on redesigning the visual digital space, developing a typography system to create information hierarchy, as well as refining visual elements and imagery style seen throughout the website.
The new website is live and was launched early January 2020.
Visit their website here →
Visual designer, Photo retouching, Typography
Sketch, Photoshop, WordPress
©Ashbridge Partners
Screenshots of a few pages from the new website, now live at ashbridgepartners.ca
Before the redesign
Screenshots of Ashbridge Partners' website before the redesign.
Process: Wireframes
Prior to creating the high resolution mockups of the website, I conducted a detailed analysis what could be improved and sketched out potential layouts to create a more structured, organized, and professional looking website.
Final Project Deliverable: New Website Design
Before implementing the changes onto WordPress and successfully launching the new website, high resolution mockups and a typographic system were created and approved.
"Remodeling the digital space of a Canadian investment firm."
© Livia Widjaja 2020